Web 4.0

Web 4.0

What is web  4.0?

Web 4.0 is the next major breakthrough and will focus on offering a more intelligent, more predictive, delayed behavior than we can with just making an affirmation to mark a set of actions that will result in what we ask or say.

                                    Resultado de imagen de web 4.0

Web 4.0 has already begun for some, although it will take some years for it to take hold and begin to show its full potential. This new version of the Network will be based on exploiting all the information that it now contains, but in a more natural and effective way.

                        Resultado de imagen de web 4.0

What Web 4.0 proposes is to improve this experience through the use of new technologies that would allow a more complete and personalized level of interaction. That is, you could say "Reserve a table for dinner today" or "Ask for a taxi" to your device and automatically perform this action without further intervention. Thus, we would move from a web that shows information to one that would give us solutions.

To achieve this, it will be based on four pillars:

  • The understanding of natural language and technologies Speech to text.

                                         Resultado de imagen de Speech to text.  
  • New machine to machine communication systems.

                                   Resultado de imagen de Speech to text.

  • Use of context information. For example, location that provides GPS, heart rate that your smartwatch records, etc.

                                                  Resultado de imagen de smartwatch gente 

  • New model of interaction with the user. 

                                                Resultado de imagen de interaction with the user.
